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An excavation work to create 12 800 cubic meter chamber or room in Oyu Tolgoi underground mine was completed in seven months of period, performed by 15 people. It laid a foundation to install ‘PC-1’ primary crusher in the underground mine.
On April 14, a ribbon cutting ceremony for the chamber was held with attendance of Armando Torres, CEO of Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Sh.Lkhamsuren, Deputy Minister of Construction and Urban Development, Arnaud Soirat, CEO of ‘Copper and Diamonds’ Company and B.Bayartsengel, Deputy Director of ‘Dayan Contract Mining’ Company, announcing its official launch.
When the underground mine starts its full operation, 4000 tons of ore will pass through the room daily. The primary crusher, the third strongest in the world underground mines with its capacity, has 9 meters in height and 300 tons in weight. The room will be central crushing site where rocks from underground mining fields are crashed to the size possible to carry them to the surface through a conveyor.
Mr N.Uuganbaatar, Mining engineer of Oyu Tolgoi underground mine said two crushers will work in the underground mine and the primary crusher will play crucial role to expand the underground mine.
The excavation work of underground mine is expected to be completed in December, 2018 and the installation work of the crusher will be performed in the first months of 2019. OT company plans to commence its underground production starting from June 20, 2020. Currently, more than 400 people are working in one shift in the underground mine.