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The expedition titled ‘Following the footsteps of ancestors’ continues to study the life of descendants of Desht-I-Kipchak in Egypt. This time in archives the Kazakh scientists found new amazing facts about one of the main historical figures of that time, female ruler Shajar al-Durr. According to the ancient writings, she came to power in spring 1250. This marked the end of the Ayyubid dynasty and the beginning of the Mamluk era. The first Bahri dynasty had lasted until 1382.

- If these people were not living at that time in Egypt, the Tatar-Mongols and Crusaders would’ve conquered Egypt. She was able to stop their crusades. There is a saying that goes "Iron can be bent only by iron." The Kipchaks could withstand such crusades because they were strong.

Shajar al-Durr had ruled Egypt for less than a year. She stopped the crusade, organized by Louis IX, King of France. The Kipchak ruler was nicknamed as Ismat ad-Din, which means ‘ a defender of religion’ in Kazakh. She was buried in a mausoleum in Cairo. Today it is a historical place. Shajar al-Durr means ‘a pearl tree.’ The name is associated with the image of a tree from mother-of-pearl in poetry and architecture. The Kazakh researchers found the ancient legend out which links the Egyptian mosques and pyramids.

- The height of this pyramid was 146 meters. Over time, the top of the structure collapsed and the structure was lowered down nine meters. It was built for Pharaoh Cheops. According to one of the legends, Sultan Beibarys once established a huge yurt there. Perhaps it was true. In fact there is plenty of space at the top.

The Citadel is one of the popular historical sites of Cairo. Tourists come visit the citadel from all over the world. The order for its construction was given by the well-known commander Salah al-Din al-Ayubbi. The Citadel was the official residence of the Egyptian rulers. The area of ​​the building makes up 18 hectares. The complex was a city within the city. Therefore, palaces, mosques, museums, military barracks and warehouses were built there. There are also traces of the Kipchak culture. Mamluk an-Nasir Muhammad built a large mosque similar to the buildings in Samarkand and Bukhara.