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Thu, 11/24/2011 - 11:13
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Istanbul makes 23.9 percent of total expenditures

ANKARA (A.A) - November 24, 2011 - Istanbul city made 23.9 percent of total household consumption expenditures of Turkey. According to TurkStat's survey covering 2008-2009-2010, the share of northeastern Anatolia became only two percent. About to produce estimates at the level of regions from the Household Budget Survey data, whole sample households of 2008, 2009 and 2010 Household Budget Surveys are combined so as to obtain household expenditures for years 2008-2009-2010. Then monthly expenditure values of 2008 and 2009 have been pulled over related months’ price level of 2010. According to these results; 23.9 percent of total consumption expenditure is done by households in Istanbul. Region Aegean and Region Mediterranean follow Istanbul with the rates of 14.4 percent and 11.7 percent respectively.  Region Northeastern Anatolia has the highest share in expenditures on food and non-alcoholic beverages with the rate of 30.3 percent where as the same region has the lowest share, 1.2 percent, for educational expenditures. In Istanbul, while expenditure on housing and rent has the highest share with the rate of 33.4 percent, the share of expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages follows it with the rate of 17.9 percent. In terms of the share of expenditures on transportation in total expenditure, Region Central Anatolia has the highest portion and Region Central East Anatolia has the lowest portion. For the shares of expenditures on communication, Region Northeastern Anatolia; on entertainment & culture and restaurants & hotels, Region Southeastern Anatolia; on education, region West Marmara has also the lowest portion among all regions.