ID :
Tue, 09/13/2016 - 06:00
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PON 2016 - Contingents Of Regional Athletes Arrive In Bandung

BANDUNG, W Java, Sept 13 (Antara) - Contingents of athletes from a number of provinces have arrived in West Java's city of Bandung to participate in the 19th National Sports Week (PON), an official stated. The public relations officer of the West Java Provincial police, Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus, informed about the arrival of the athletes here on Monday. According to him, the contingents arrived from Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, North Sulawesi, North Kalimantan, West Sumatera, South Kalimantan, South Sumatera, Jambi, West Papua, Bali, Bangka Belitung, Riau, West Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, Lampung and Banten. The athletes in Bandung will compete in the sports of indoor hockey, chess, sand volleyball, judo, water polo and swimming. Yunus further said the regional police personnel have been assigned to ensure the security of all the athletes during their participation in the largest sports event in the country. "We will ensure their security at their hotels as well as at the time of their arrival," he pointed out. The security personnel have been drafted from police, military and public order security agency (Satpol PP). A total of 1,170 athletes and 390 coaches and officials from the West Java Province have registered for the 19th National Sports Week (PON). All 34 provinces of the country are expected to take part in the National Sports Week. Besides West Java¿s contingent, as many as 8,403 athletes from 33 provinces will participate. The 19th PON 2016 will open on September 17, and will end on September 26.