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Tue, 04/23/2019 - 18:59
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Dream of zeroing Iran oil exports not to come true

Tehran, April 23, IRNA – Iranian Petroleum Minister Bijan Zangeneh referred to the US aggressive economic war against Iran oil industry, saying the US dream of zeroing Iran oil export will not come true. Addressing Majlis (Parliament) on Tuesday, Zangeneh said the statements released by the US and its allies indicate their concern regarding market reaction. Describing the oil market as unpredictable, he said it will not be possible to predict that oil is produced to the required level, since some regional countries have announced the production volume more than what is in reality. The US and its regional allies take advantage of oil as political tool, but they should wait for its negative consequences, he noted. Answering a question on Iran policy regarding gas, he said the average of gas production was 620 million cubic meters seven years ago while the figure increased to 850 million cubic meter and experienced 30% last year. He went on to say that after the US and Russia, Iran is the third gas producer in the world, adding that the Iranian refineries are working with no limitation. Referring to Iran gas contract with Turkey which is underway at the moment, Zangeneh said Iran has signed a contract with Iraq for exporting 60 million cubic meters per day. He reiterated that a contract have been implemented with Armenia and Azerbaijan. He added that due to political pressures imposed by the US, the regional countries do not implement their contacts. Elsewhere in his remarks, Zangeneh referred to Iran oil contract with Oman, saying there are two companies in the world for constructing pipelines but sanctions have made it impossible. Pointing to gas contact with Turkmenistan, Iranian minister said Turkmenistan was trying to increase gas price by pressuring Iran, but Iran did not bow to these pressures.