ID :
Sun, 09/30/2018 - 19:49
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Iran deputy FM: Transfer of US embassy to Quds leading to Chaos

New York, Sept 30, IRNA - Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and Foreign Affairs said that the decision to transfer the US Embassy to Quds and recognize the city as the capital of the Zionist regime is in contravention to international law, leading the region into Chaos. Gholam Hossein Dehghani spoke at the OIC Executive Committee, which was held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. At the meeting, which was held to review the approvals of the two recent meetings of the organization's leaders in support of Quds, the Israeli military aggression against the peaceful demonstration of civilians in Gaza on the anniversary of the occupation of Palestine in 1948, which resulted in death of 170 Palestinians and injury of thousands more was strongly condemned. Iran's deputy foreign minister stressed on the continued solidarity of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the brave Palestinian people in a legitimate struggle for the realization of their justice, dignity and rights, including the right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state with Quds as its capital. Dehghani declared the decision of the President of the United States to identify Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist regime and transfer the US embassy to the city as a flagrant violation of the international law and relevant United Nations resolutions and violations of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.