ID :
Tue, 03/14/2017 - 17:47
Auther :

UN remains unresponsive to Dutch-Turkish row

GENEVA The United Nations spokeswoman said Tuesday that the UN would not comment on the diplomatic crisis between Turkey and the Netherlands. "l do not have a specific comment on that. If you want a comment, you have to ask them [Turkish and Dutch authorities]," Alessandra Vellucci said at a news conference in response to a question whether the Netherlands violated the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and if yes, will UN condemn the Netherlands for the violation. On Saturday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was refused permission to land in the Netherlands and Family and Social Affairs Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya was forced to leave the country under police escort after being blocked from entering Turkey’s Consulate in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. When Turkish citizens in Rotterdam tried to peacefully protest, they were met by police using batons, dogs and water cannons, in what some analysts called a disproportionate use of force. The incidents drew strong criticism from Ankara, including diplomatic notes sent to the Netherlands in protest. Vellucci said the Dutch government indicated that it took these decisions for security reasons and the issue should be dealt with the concerned countries and that UN had nothing to do with it. The UN Human Rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasan, for her part, said that the Vienna Convention is a complex issue and not only related with human rights. She also did not comment on whether the Netherlands should be condemned or not for the row with Turkey. The Turkish ministers were due to meet with the Turkish community in the Netherlands ahead of the April 16 constitutional referendum in Turkey.