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Tue, 12/17/2013 - 10:35
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Zarif: Iran managed to achieve goals in Geneva talks

Tehran, Dec 17, IRNA – Today everyone says that Iran achieved its goals in Geneva nuclear talks and managed to create new, favorable conditions, Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday in a festival of top Iranian industrialists. “Any achievement in the course of the past three months is more than any factor indebted to the resistance, steadfastness, tolerance, and self confidence of the great, Muslim Iranian nation though,” he said. Zarif said that this goal has been achieved relying on the guidelines of the late Imam Khomeini (P), and the Supreme Leader, which are the bases for self confidence of the nation. He said that the world is at the threshold of fundamental evolutions today, adding, “If we will not properly comprehend and recognize the fact that the foundations of the world have been subjected to evolutions then we would not be able to evaluate those events precisely and act accordingly.” Zarif said that power phenomenon has become a multi-dimensional factor in the world today, adding: “Economic dimensions of power, cultural power, power of the social capital, technological might, conceptual power, and various other types and sources for power are the comprising factors of national might today, enabling the countries to have self confidence in encountering the big world powers.” “I believe the Iranian nation has realized this point and they know that they are powerful and will be able to draw their future themselves,” he reiterated. He also expressed surprise that the Zionist regime is worried about the Iranian peaceful nuclear program, which has no military characteristic. “That regime has resorted to various types of threats, intrigues, deviations of the facts, and telling lies, to convey the idea that Iran is pursuing the objective of producing nuclear weapons, while our country has from the very beginning emphasized the peaceful nature of its program,” he said. Zarif also referred to the verdict issues by the Supreme Leader, and the Iranian nation’s strong religious beliefs, as further proof for the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program. He said that the enemies and ill wishers of this nation and this revolution will never cease their enmity and will always be after hatching new plots, adding, “Today our nation must use this opportunity dully well, and benefit from is maximally.” The Iranian top diplomat said that extremism is the result of weakness and feeling intimidated, adding, “Moderate approach leads to achieving self confidence and therefore, relying on harmony and solidarity among various political factions, we will set foot on this path.” He expressed hope that the light of hope that has been lit in the hearts of the people and the smiles that have appeared on their lips would be preserved and strengthened till the final stage, which would be very tough, and pave the path for the Iranian nuclear negotiators’ progress. On Thursday, the US Departments of Treasury announced new sanctions against a number of companies and individuals for “providing support for” Iran’s nuclear energy program. The new US sanctions, similar to European countries’ earlier similar move, came despite the nuclear deal inked between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - Russia, China, France, Britain and the US - plus Germany in the Swiss city of Geneva on November 24. The interim deal sought to set the stage for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old dispute with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program. Both the EU and the US have since then voiced strong support for the nuclear deal just as the Iranian concerned officials have, although everyone is convinced now that there are delicate points that need to be added to the deal to prevent further misconceptions in its implementation during the remaining few months of its being in effect.