ID :
Fri, 12/11/2020 - 07:21
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Kyrgyzstan confirms 327 new COVID-19 cases

Bishkek, Dec. 11, 2020 / Kabar /. Kyrgyzstan has confirmed on Friday 327 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the country's total to 76,718, according to data of the Republican Headquarters for Combating COVID-19. Among the new cases, 113 were confirmed in the capital city of Bishkek, 45 in Chui Oblast, 69 in Issyk-Kul Oblast, 33 in Jalal-Abad Oblast, 20 in Batken Oblast, 18 in Osh Oblast, 13 in Talas Oblast, 10 in Osh city and 6 in Naryn Oblast. There have been 447 new recoveries in the past 24 hours, raising the tally of recoveries to 69,341. So far, a total of 1,307 people have died of the disease in the country, including one over the past 24 hours. Currently, 2,263 patients are receiving treatment in hospitals throughout the country and 2,955 patients - at home. The country has conducted 3,291 tests in the past 24 hours.