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Thu, 12/06/2012 - 08:48
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Ahmadinejad: Global Spread Of Monotheism, Justice Requires Campaign

Tehran, Dec 6, IRNA – Iran president said here Wednesday establishment of monotheism and justice around the globe is in need of Jihadi campaign, and Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Tunisia must take part together in this campaign. The information website of the Presidential Office further quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying in a meeting with visiting Tunisian Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Munsif bin-Salem, 'The Iranian nation are and will always be side by side with their Tunisian brethren.' He also stressed the need for broad cooperation and interactions between the Iranian and Tunisian university professors and university students over scientific and research works. The president referred to the global development and the movements of the Muslim nations which he said are rapidly in line with the historical dreams of the Messenger of Allah (P), reiterating, 'We are very delighted that the conditions in Tunisia and in many other countries are moving towards the ideal status.' Ahmadinejad reiterated, 'Monotheism and justice are in the innate nature of the human beings and the enemies of them have faced defeat and are at the end of their dead-end way in practice, which is why we need to join hands and introduce the genuine and exalted culture of the Prophet of Islam (P), which is inclusive of the messages of the entire true prophets (P) and the peak of perfection in monotheism, to the world nations.' The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterated, 'Cultural and scientific activities are of extraordinary importance and therefore, we need to assist each other in the framework of joint scientific and research works, taking it for granted that the Muslim nations are not only no less than the others, but also have the pride and honor of having dedicated very great scientists to the world in the past and today.' President Ahmadinejad added, 'Today the scientifically mighty individuals are capable propagating the divine message of prophets, because the global oppression and world powers, too, have resorting to their scientific advancement emerged as superior powers.' He referred to the presence of top scientists and professors in Iran and in Tunisia, reiterating, 'The Islamic Republic of Iran observes absolutely no limits for expansion of comprehensive relations with Tunisia, particularly in academic, scientific and research fields.' Ahmadinejad reiterated, 'Any achieved advancement in Iran, or the progress that would be achieved in the future belong to the entire Muslim brethren, and we need to employ it at the service of advancement of each other, as we need to be side by side of each other and joint advancement and progress.' The Tunisian Minister of Science and Scientific Research Munsif bin-Salem, too, in the meeting expressed delight over having the chance to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran, adding that the Republic of Tunisia with all its might stands by the side of the ideas and ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.' Minister bin-Salem said, 'Iran and Tunisia have rich cultures, civilizations, and histories, and a divine message for the world nations, which I hope thanks to the expanding relations and cooperation between your country and ours both nations would manage to regain their past glories and prides.' He stressed the need for establishment of full scale cooperation among Islamic countries and particularly giving shape to an Islamic common market to encounter the European Union mightily, as well as bilateral academic, scientific and research cooperation. Earlier in the day Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Sa'eid Jalili in a meeting with the Tunisian Science Minister bin-Salem has described the US recourse to the strategy of pressure along with dialogue as indicative of the weakness of US government's logic and using force instead of argumentation. According to IRIB, in a meeting with the Tunisian Minister of Science and Scientific Research, Munsif bin Salem, Jalili said that following Iran's talks with the 5+1 Group in Moscow and presentation of logical proposals by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the global community expected those countries to return to the negotiation table with logical responses. He emphasized that the US must respond to the global public opinion for a six-month delay. He also referred to huge capacities taken shape in Tunisia on the basis of Islamic Awakening and stressed the need for integrating these capacities and make use of them for expanding the Islamic civilization. The Tunisian official for his part lauded Iran's scientific progress and called for further scientific and cultural exchanges between the two countries. He also described the recent massacring of Palestinian women and children by the Zionist regime as a clear example of the violation of human rights./end