ID :
Tue, 04/19/2016 - 18:15
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Armenian leadership’s visit to Azerbaijan’s occupied lands is another provocative step

Baku, April 19 AZERTAC The recent visit of the Armenian leadership to the occupied lands and the military briefing is another provocative step, which will even more aggravate the situation, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hikmat Hajiyev said. “Such inflammatory actions once again confirm that the Armenian leadership, in contravention of the UN Charter and the norms and principles of international law, pursue a policy of occupation of Azerbaijani territories,” Hajiyev added. “Yerevan bears responsibility for the recent aggravation of the situation along the contact line and the intensive violation of ceasefire,” he said. “Continuing Armenia’s aggressive policy against Azerbaijan, non-withdrawal of its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani lands, regular ceasefire violations and other actions aimed at the aggravation of the situation are a serious threat to peace and stability in the region. Armenia refuses to honour the persistent calls form the international community to start a comprehensive political process to resolve the conflict,” the spokesperson stressed.