ID :
Sun, 10/07/2012 - 09:12
Auther :

Berlin Rally Strongly Condemns Blasphemous Anti-Islam Film

Berlin, Oct 7, IRNA -- Hundreds of German Muslims on Saturday gathered in Berlin's city center to strongly condemn a blasphemous American-produced anti-Islam film, according to IRNA. Waving the flag of Islam and signs voicing eternal love for the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the mostly young crowd expressed outrage over the anti-Islam film and the deepening anti-Muslim mood in Germany. Addressing the rally, speakers called on the German government to apply the country's existing blasphemy laws to crack down on the Islamophobic wave in Germany. They made clear freedom of opinion in a democracy was not limitless. Speakers pointed to constant western provocations against Muslims by insulting their religion. Germany has been the scene of peaceful mass protests against a blasphemous US film over the past weeks. The demonstrations are also geared at plans by an obscure German far-right group which wants to screen the anti-Islam film in public. The German government is pondering to ban the public showing of the highly controversial movie, fearing major public unrest./end