ID :
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 11:02
Auther :

Kim Jong Un's Idea of Independent Reunification Hailed in Nigeria

Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- The National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Group for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Group for the Study of the Juche Philosophy, Group for the Study of the Songun Politics and the Group for Self-Reliance Studies of Nigeria issued a joint statement on Jan. 1 in support of the part on national reunification of respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's New Year address. The statement said: HE Kim Jong Un in his New Year address called for opening up a broad avenue to independent reunification of Korea by united efforts of the whole nation this year marking the 45th anniversary of the historic July 4 Joint Statement and the 10th anniversary of the October 4 Declaration. He said that positive measures should be taken to improve inter-Korean relations, avoid acute military confrontation and remove the danger of war between the north and the south. We urge the U.S. to be well aware of the Korean nation's will for reunification and no longer cling to the scheme for whipping up national estrangement by inciting the anti-reunification forces in south Korea to confrontation and war with the fellow countrymen but make a courageous decision to roll back its anachronistic policy hostile towards the DPRK. We fully support the idea of independent reunification set forth by Kim Jong Un in his New Year address. We are convinced that the Korean people will register new successes in their struggle for national reunification. -0-