ID :
Mon, 11/28/2011 - 07:07
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MP: Majlis To Adopt Severe Measures If UK Continues Hostile Policies

Tehran, Nov 28, IRNA – Parliament Member Alaeddin Boroujerdi said that the Majlis will adopt more severe measures against Britain if London continues its hostile policies towards Iran. Boroujerdi who is the head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Majlis made the remarks here on Sunday after ratification of a bill by the Parliament to downgrade ties with Britain which comes in response to UK decision to exercise sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran. Referring to London’s black record of performance in Iran both before and after the Islamic Revolution, Boroujerdi said Britain played a destructive role in incidents after the last presidential elections in Iran in 2009. He said that the Majlis will strongly deal with any country moving against Iran’s national interests./end