ID :
Tue, 05/14/2013 - 13:45
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PNG Military Police Investigate Indonesian Shooting Incident

Jayapura, Papua, May 14 (Antara) - Papua New Guinea (PNG) Military Police are investigating the shooting of Indonesian citizens by their members on May 8, 2013 in Lido Village, Sandaun Province. Indonesia`s Consulate General to Vanimo, PNG, Jahar Gultom said to Antara in Jayapura on Tuesday that a team from the Military Police of the PNG Defense Force (PNGDF) had come to the location from PNG`s capital city Port Moresby to investigate the case. Gultom added the PNGDF MP team also met with the Indonesian Consul in Vanimo besides investigating five PNGDF members in connection with the case. "During the meeting we told them that we have met with the shooting victim, 18-year-old Edward Aritahanu who is still being treated at Dok II Jayapura Hospital and also reported about the talks we had with his parents," he said. Gultom said the team also planned to interview Lido villagers as well as meet with victim`s relatives living in the border between the two countries. "The meeting will be held in the RI-PNG border," he said. On May 8, 2013, three Indonesian citizens, Meki Aritahanu, Edward Aritahanu and Irene Youwe visited their relatives who are PNG`s citizens in Lido Village in Sandaun Province by motor boat. Suddenly, about 60 meters from their boat, a Land Cruiser car with five PNGDF members on board shot them three times injuring Edward`s foot. Earlier the Indonesian government has confirmed the PNG government`s commitment, particularly its PNGDF, to investigating the case thoroughly.