ID :
Sat, 01/19/2013 - 07:43
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Politician Accuses US Of HR Violations

Islamabad, Jan 19, IRNA -- Leader of a top Pakistani religious party Thursday accused the US and its allies of gross human rights violations in Muslim countries. Talking to IRNA, Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Secretary General Liaqat Baloch said that US is fighting a war against Islam and Islamic civilization. 'Imperialist forces are behind miseries of Muslims across the world,' said the JI leader. He said that unfortunately rulers of many Muslim countries are working according to American agenda. 'US has affected the lives of millions of people in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan,' noted Liaqat Baloch. The religious leader expressing his views said that US is killing people in Afghanistan without any justification yet the world is silent about this injustice. 'They have ruined many Muslim countries,” said the politician. 'US is backing terrorism in Afghanistan,' said Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Secretary General. He said that history has proved that US was also behind Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq conflict. The politician said that the United Nations (UN) is responsible for the bloodshed of Muslims. “They are not bothering about the human rights of Muslims,” he said. Commenting on the role of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Liaqat Baloch said that the organization has practically become ineffective. 'They have to move in the right direction rather than becoming a debating society,” said the religious leader. The JI leader urged the OIC to come forward to defend the rights of Muslims. 'They have to guard the rights of Muslims,' he viewed. Responding to a question, he said that western media is under the control of Zionists. He added that western media is biased and partial towards the Muslims. Liaqat Baloch said that western media is portraying a dark image of Islam rather than highlighting the problems of Muslims. 'They are playing a negative role,” he said./end