ID :
Thu, 10/18/2012 - 09:32
Auther :

S. Leader’s Visit Of N. Khorassan Prov. Ends With Imam Reza Pilgrimage

Tehran, Oct 18, IRNA – Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei’s week-long visit of North Khorassan province ended Wednesday with pilgrimage of his eminence of holy shrine of 8th Shi’a Imam Ali ibn-Mousa al-Reza. According to IRNA, the Office for Preservation and Publication of HE Ayatollah Khamenei’s Works reported Wednesday night that the eight-day visit of His Eminence the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution and the leader’s meetings with people of various walks of life ended with a sweet pilgrimage of Imam Reza’s shrine, Wednesday evening./end