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Fri, 09/18/2015 - 11:04
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US must understand it is possible to fight IS only by joining efforts with Syrian authorities - Russian foreign ministry

MOSCOW, September 17. /TASS/. The United States must understand that fighting against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization is only possible by joining efforts with the Syrian authorities, Russian foreign ministry’s official spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. "Russia cooperation and will continue cooperating with Syria, including in the military sphere," Zakharova said. "Contrary to Washington’s statements on achievements and successes of the US-led anti-ISIL coalition, which is doubtful, the crisis is exacerbating, and there are more and more refugees fleeing the region, and IS is not going to retreat," she added. The spokesperson noted that "the Syrian army has borne the most hardships of fighting against terrorists on its land." "While Western countries and Western coalitions hesitated in tasks and aims of their attitude toward Syria, the attitude of Damascus toward IS has always been absolutely persistent and clear," she stressed. The diplomat drew attention to the fact that "the notion of ISIL has been absent from the statements of American leaders until recently." "They did not notice it and did not want to notice. They have focused on it as a global problem only recently," Zakharova said. "The good thing is that the US finally saw this threat and realized what they will have to deal with. We want our American colleagues and partners to understand that fighting against it [IS threat] can be effective, and I stress - effective, only by a united front. And it is impossible without participation of Syria’s legitimate government," she noted. Islamic State extremist organization The Islamic State is an extremist organization banned in Russia. In 2013-2014, it called itself the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). In June 2014, IS announce the establishment of the "Islamic caliphate" on the territories seized in Iraq and Syria. According to US’ Central Intelligence Agency, the extremist group includes around 30,000 people, while Iraqi authorities claim there are around 200,000 in IS. Among members of the group are citizens of 80 countries, including France, Great Britain, Germany, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, US, Canada, as well as Russia and other CIS countries. According to reports, militants now control around 40 percent of the Iraqi territory and 50 percent of the Syrian territory. Read more