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Fri, 11/22/2013 - 09:24
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Can Consuming Probiotic Products Help To Prevent Cancer?

From Erda Khursyiah Basir This is the second of four features on Yakult, the probiotic dairy product that contains a special strain of 'good' bacteria, the lactobacillus casei Shirota. TOKYO, Nov 22 (Bernama) -- Consumption of probiotic products are believed to help generate more Natural Killer cells (NK cells) which decimate the cancerous cells, according to a lecturer of Immunology at Tokyo's Juntendo University School of Medicine here. Associate Professor Dr Kazuyoshi Takeda says NK cells are a form of lymphocytes that destroy 'hostile' cells which they could not identify even during the first encounter. "NK cells function is to kill cancer cells. If their activity is low, they can kill one out of five cancer cells, if (it is) medium (rate), they can kill two of the five cancer cells and if they are strong, (they) can kill four out of five cancer cells within four hours," he explains. Explaining for the benefit of visiting Malaysian journalists recently, Dr Takeda says drinking Yakult, which contains the 'Lactobacillus casei Shirota' (Shirota strain), is more effective in activating the NK cells in anyone with a low activity of these cells. The eight-day visit, themed 'Healthy Intestine, Long Life,' provided a platform for the Malaysian journalists to explore and learn about various aspects of probiotics in the Yakult products, including the latest research about how these apply to human health. "In order to activate the NK Cells, the Shirota strain must be absorbed in the body through the intestinal epithelium," Dr Takeda points out, adding that the intake of the Shirota strain augments the NK cells’ activity even in the elderly and those under stress. He also explains that the process is more effective in a person who needs the NK cells to be activated. CAUSES OF CANCER Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cell division takes place without any control and they invade other tissues. Among the causes are genetics, physical activities, environmental factors, tobacco and also ultraviolet rays from exposure to the sun. Dr Takeda says cancer cells are originally derived from normal cells which, for some reason, grow out of control. He explains that patients who have genetically impaired NK cells, may suffer severe infections. The elderly people with low NK cells activity exhibit a higher mortality rate due to infection when compared to those with higher NK cells activity. "An epidemiological study revealed that the population with low NK cells’ activity is at a significantly higher risk of cancer than that with intermediate or high NK cells’ activity," he says. ERADICATION OF CANCER CELLS "Thus, the NK cells play a vital role in the eradication of cancer and infected cells in humans," he explains. NK cells represent natural immunity, and this factor is influenced, in turn, by many other factors such as age and stress, which could inhibit their activity. Decrease in the number of NK cells and their activity may lead to a higher risk of developing cancer and contracting infectious diseases. "Cigarette smoking may reduce NK cell activity and that may lead to a high risk of lung cancer and tumor metastasis of the lungs. "A small amount of physical exercise is related with low NK cell activity. Drastic changes in lifestyle associated with mental stress including bereavement and hospitalisation also cause a reduction in NK cell activity," Dr Takeda further explains. -- BERNAMA