ID :
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 22:08
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Shaikh Khalid lone candidate for BOC presidency

Manama, Mar. 21 (BNA): HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa is the only candidate running to become the new president of the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC), it was announced here today. As submission of BOC candidacy campaign came to an end, the Bahrain Athletics Association candidate, HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, emerged the lone presidential candidate for a four-year electoral cycle. However, the one and only remaining seat in the board of directors is being closely contested by Bahrain Swimming Association president Mohammed Mejbel, Bahrain Martial Arts Association board member Faisal Kanoo and Bahrain Triathlon Association general secretary Mai Al Haji. The campaign was overseen by BOC secretary general Mohammed Hassan Al Nusuf, Executive Director of Sports Affairs Abdul Jalil Asad, Legal Advisor Salah Khedr and board of directors affairs head Samir Abdulqader. It’s worth noting that the ordinary general assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, April 11.