ID :
Sun, 05/11/2014 - 12:49
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Parsian Refinery Rates Capacity To Reach 85mcm/d

Tehran, May 11, IRNA - Parsian Gas Refinery’s nominal production capacity has increased from 82 to 85 mcm/d, said the managing-director of the refinery. ˈThe refinery contributes 17 percent to Iran’s gas productionˈ, SHANA quoted Farshid Ebdali as saying on Sunday. “In [last] winter, this refinery was very effective and we managed to produce more than 6.5 bcm of gas,” he said. Ebdali said this refinery receives gas from Tabnak, Homa, Varavardi and Shanol gas wells. He said the refinery’s overhaul should be done during a 20-day period. Ebdali said the Western sanctions against Iran’s energy sector provided a chance for the domestic manufacturing of equipment used in refineries./end