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Tue, 11/22/2011 - 10:34
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Turkish deputy pm: Turkey is now a more open economy

LONDON (A.A) – November 22, 2011 – Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan has said that Turkey was now a more open economy, society and country. Participating in an award ceremony in London on Monday, Babacan said that Turkey and Britain were two friends, partners and allies which pursued similar policies. Stressing the support which Britain extended to Turkey's EU membership bid, Babacan said that Turkish economy passed through a very important transformation process. Babacan said that when Justice & Development (AK) Party came into rule in 2002, national income per capita was nearly 3,000 USD. He added that it was now more than 10,000 USD. Babacan said that Turkish economy was strong, and Turkey was now a more open country, society and economy. Babacan is accompanying Turkish President Abdullah Gul during his formal visit to Britain.