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Mon, 09/20/2021 - 14:49

Russia Launching Trials of Simultaneous Vaccination Against Flu, COVID-19

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia is launching pre-clinical trials of simultaneous administration of vaccines against flu and the coronavirus, based on study results, a decision on further steps will be made, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said on Friday. "Pre-clinical trials to assess the safety and effectiveness of simultaneous administration of vaccines against the coronavirus and flu are ongoing in animals. Based on the results, decisions on further steps will be made", Murashko told reporters. As the studies are still ongoing, the recommended period between vaccinations against flu and the coronavirus remains unchanged at one month, the minister added. "For those who have not yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus, we recommend starting with inoculation against this infection, as it is the most dangerous one today", Murashko concluded. Read more: