Sawab launches Instagram page to combat terrorism

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ABU DHABI, 21st December, 2015 (WAM) -- The Sawab Centre, a joint initiative by the Governments of the United Arab Emirates and the United States to fight Daesh’s extremist ideology online, has rec

‘US will lose out by violating JCPOA’

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TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) – The AEOI head Salehi responded to the recent actions of the US stating that not fulfilling JCPOA obligations will turn America into a loser.

Kerry writes to Zarif on new visa law

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TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) – On Sunday, US Secretary of State John Kerry wrote a letter to FM Zarif, saying the visa changes “will not in any way prevent us from meeting our JCPOA commitments.”