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Mon, 02/02/2009 - 10:03
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Field study unearths corruption in public job almost 42 percent

By: Ridhwan al-Hamdani

Translated by: Mahmoud Assamiee

SANA'A, Feb. 01 (Saba)- A field study covered seven ministries and
five governmental bodies unearthed 42.5 percent practices of
administrative corruption in the public job.

The study revealed that 57 percent of employees are committed to
moral practices of the public job.

According to indicators, the study finds reverse relations between
morals of public job and the administrative corruption. Impartiality
and justice are the less morals practiced in the public job while
mediation and favoritism are most cores of administrative corruption.

The study analyzed level of administrative corruption on the basis
of eight factors, mediation 56.3%, followed by favoritisms 51%,
commission 41.3, defalcation 40.5, deleting public resources 40.3,
bribery 36.5 and forging 29 percent.

While level of practicing morals by employees of the public job has
been measured by nine cores, honesty come first 70. 5 percent
followed by accountability 67.3, committing of work 66.8, serving
others 62, institutional loyalty 61.8, truth 57.5, preserving public
possessions 54.5, justice 50.5 and impartiality 42.8 percent.

The study, which was made by the National Institute for
Administrative Sciences, caries the title of "Effects of Public Job
Morals in Limiting Administrative Corruption". It aims at knowing
situation of public job moralities and range of implementing them by
public employee while performing his duties and effects of
committing to these morals in limiting administrative corruption.

The study also aims at unearthing extent of existing distinctions
with statistical significance and the extent of committing to them
on the basis of age, sex, family size, administrative level, period
of the service and employing body.

The study showed that male are more corrupt and less committed to
moralities of public job than female employees of the public job
across all administrative cores included in the study.

The study found weak reverse relation between levels of practicing
morals of public job and both monthly salary and educational
qualification. However, there is strong reverse relation between
administrative corruption and both work, monthly salary, educational
qualifications and years of experiences.

Despite measures taken by the government for fighting corruption and
limiting it, these measures could not eradicate corruption. The
study referred this failure to weakness of implementation of these
measures and lacking to suitable procedures and necessary conditions
for supporting them.

The study made on sample composed of three thousand employees
distributed in seven ministries, education, civil service, finance,
local administration, endowments and higher education in addition to
telecommunication and electricity corporations. The sample also
covered the National Institute for Administrative Sciences and
Central Organization for Control and Audit.

The locations of the sample are distributed on six governorates,
Capital Sana'a, Aden, Taiz, Hadramout, Ebb, and Hudeida. The sample
included 80 percent of male studied person and 20 percent of female.
The sample included all job posts starting with employee degree and
ending with general manager.

While administrative corruption leads to administrative, economic,
political and social damages, the study indicates that eradicating
it requires setting up integrated strategy for fighting corruption
and linking it to suitable and active measures for implementing it.

The study came out with a number of recommendations for improving
commitment of practicing morals of public job and limiting
administrative corruption.

The most important of these recommendations are working on enhancing
morals that has realized highest ratios in moralities' measurements,
honesty, accountability, helping others, commitment to work and
giving priority for fighting administrative corruption practices
that realized highest ratios such mediation, favoritisms and

The recommendations stressed on giving governmental anti-corruption
bodies priority for fighting components of administrative corruption
that recorded highest levels starting with fighting mediation and
favoritism via focusing on supervising them.

The study recommended activating parliamentarian and judicial
control on works of public administration and its mechanisms. It
also recommended revising laws, systems and by-laws as well as
clarifying ambiguity hindering implementing them.