Xinhua Logo

Full Name: Xinhua News Agency

Head: President of Xinhua News Agency - Mr. Fu Hua 

Address: Xuanwumen xidajie 57, Beijing, China 

Phone: +8610 63072562 

Fax: +8610 88053233

Contact persons: Ms. Wang Yi

Email: Website: 

  • Founded in 1931.
  • OANA member since 1981.
  • Provides text news, photos, charts, audio, visual products. Provides economic information service to government bodies and enteprises. Publishes over 20 newspapers and magazines. Runs TV network China Xinhua News Network Corporation and think tank New China Research.

  • Over 12,000 employees.

  • Has 182 overseas bureaus, including seven overseas regional bureaus (Hong Kong, Brussels, Cairo, Nairobi, New York, Moscow, Mexico City).
  • News serviced in seven languages (Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese). 
  • Multimedia news serviced in eight countries (Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, Germany, Republic of Korea, Turkey) in their native languages.
  • social networks: Twitter-China Xinhua Newsfacebook-China Xinhua NewsYoutube-New China TV.