Dear OANA Members, 

We are pleased to announce that the "2023 OANA Award for Excellence in News Agency Quality" is now open to all OANA member agencies. 

The contest is held annually in order to promote innovation and efficiency among the members of OANA. It is also a marvelous opportunity for each member agency to get to know the professional experiences gained by other news agencies. 

Each OANA member agency is invited to take part in the contest by submitting to the OANA secretariat one successful project that is launched and implemented by their staff in 2023. The submitted contributions are required to meet the following specifications: 

Format: *.pdf  

               (It is optional to send a PowerPoint file alongside the PDF file) 

Subject: newsroom and editorial, commercial, technical or administrative matters. 

Contents: Title, the name of project designer or coordinator, abstract in one paragraph, project specifications and description in detail, project schedule and the results delivered so far. 

The jury consisting of all OANA Executive Board members will judge the submitted projects and the winner will receive a diploma as well as $1000.

Please send the projects to before September 1st, 2023.