ID :
Tue, 03/05/2013 - 07:55
Auther :

Bangladesh Can Act As Bridge Between South, South East Asia : India

New Delhi, March 5, IRNA – Bangladesh can act as a bridge between South and South East Asia, said India’s President Pranab Mukherjee Monday in Dhaka. Mukherjee made out a strong case for Bangladesh granting transit and connectivity to India, contending that this can pave the way for greater integration in South and South East Asia. As India presses Bangladesh for the transit to connect its mainland to the northeastern Indian states to address their developmental and security concerns, Mukherjee stressed on transit in the larger context of this countryˈs geographical location. He said that Bangladesh can act as a bridge between South and South East Asia. ˈApart from the potential of its resources on land and sea, the geographical location of Bangladesh is an advantage that must be fully explored and exploitedˈ, Mukherjee said in his speech after receiving an honorary law degree from Dhaka University at a special convocation this afternoon, pti reported. He said, ˈBangladesh lies at the cross-roads of South and South-East Asia. ...Bangladesh has once again taken the leadership in moving towards sub-regional cooperationˈ. ˈThis will lead to practical results in terms of better water management, more electricity and grid connectivity, more trade and more cross-country movement of goods and people,ˈ Mukherjee said. ˈIndia and Bangladesh can lead the way towards greater integration within our region and beyond in South East Asiaˈ, he said. ˈIndia and Bangladesh are interlinked like no other nations on earth. Our destinies are interwoven just like our history and our geography. India and Bangladesh must develop and grow together, ensuring that our growth provides more opportunities to both our peoples,ˈ he said. Mukherjee is on a three-day official visit to Bangladesh./end