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Mon, 09/10/2012 - 10:13
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ICRC President Urges Syrian Belligerent Parties To Protect Civilians

Tehran, Sept 10, IRNA – President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer, who has just returned from Syria following a three-day visit, stressed that it is the responsibility of the parties to protect civilians in their conduct of hostilities. During his three-day visit to Syria, Maurer held talks with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, and the ministers of foreign affairs, the interior, health and national reconciliation. Maurer also visited areas affected by the fighting in Rural Damascus to witness at first hand how civilians are coping in a context of extreme violence, a news release issued by the ICRC announced. "I was shocked by the immense destruction of infrastructure and homes in several areas I visited in Mu’dhamiya, Qaboun and Harasta. And I was deeply moved by the stories of distraught children who lost their parents in the fighting," said Maurer. "I visited several medical posts in Rural Damascus and was alarmed by the situation there. Health workers face tremendous difficulties in performing their duties. Many men, women and children who could be saved are dying on a daily basis because they lack access to medical care. Volunteers of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent continue to show admirable courage as they carry out their life-saving work in extremely difficult conditions. Health-care facilities and workers must be protected." "Since the conflict erupted there have been many casualties, and now the situation is rapidly deteriorating even further," he said. "President al-Assad agreed on the necessity of urgently boosting humanitarian aid by making it easier to bring in goods that would enable us to step up our activities and adequately respond to the needs that have been growing with gathering speed." "The positive commitments I received during my meetings will obviously have to be followed up and tested in the coming weeks," he said. "Each day that passes brings more casualties and human suffering. I will personally pay the closest attention to how the outcome of our discussions materializes on the ground." "The rules of international humanitarian law must be adhered to by all parties to the conflict to avoid civilian loss of life," he said. "It is the responsibility of the parties to protect civilians in their conduct of hostilities." The ICRC is also in regular contact with opposition groups in Syria and abroad to share its concerns and discuss issues relating to compliance with international humanitarian law and to the protection of civilians and detainees. The ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have been working together to meet the most pressing needs. Both organizations must endeavor to find ways of enhancing their work in the field. The ICRC and Syrian Arab Red Crescent will continue to spare no effort to bring help to those who need it.