ID :
Tue, 08/18/2020 - 15:47

Russian Fighter Su-27SM Intercepts US Spy Plane Over Baltic Sea

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian fighter jet Su-27SM escorted a US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft, which eventually turned away from the border, the Russian Defense Ministry's National Defense Control Center (NDCC) said on Monday. Russian radar stations detected an air target approaching the Russian border over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. A Su-27SM fighter from the Baltic Fleet on duty was scrambled to intercept it. The crew of the Russian fighter from a safe distance "identified the target as the US Air Force RC-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft." "After the US reconnaissance aircraft turned away from the Russian state border, the Russian fighter safely returned to the home base. The entire flight of the Russian fighter took place strictly in accordance with international rules," the NDCC said. Recently, US reconnaissance aircraft have been approaching Russian borders increasingly frequently, with more than ten such incidents reported in August alone. Read more: