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Sun, 04/24/2011 - 11:58
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Iranian FM: Promotion of Tehran-Cairo Ties Serves Regional Security

TEHRAN , April 24 (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi voiced Tehran's enthusiasm for enhancing relations with Egypt, saying that the move would also boost security and stability in the region.
"Egypt enjoys a special position in the region and Muslim world and Iran and Egypt are two main pillars of the Islamic world and are complementary to each other," Salehi said on Saturday, addressing Iranian envoys to foreign countries in a meeting here in Tehran today.

"Interactions between Iran and Egypt in different arenas will render help to the region's peace, stability and security to a great extent."

Referring to the recent developments in Egypt, Salehi said the two countries' officials have made verbal and written exchanges, and expressed the hope that despite the pressures imposed by certain countries on Cairo, the relations between the two countries would resume soon in future.

After the collapse of the regime of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian dictator, the Iranian foreign minister officially invited his newly appointed Egyptian counterpart Nabil al-Arabi to pay a visit to Tehran.

According to a report by Egyptian daily al-Ahram, the invitation letter was submitted to the Egyptian foreign minister during a meeting between Director of Iran's Interest Section in Cairo Mojtaba Amani and al-Arabi.

The report quoted the spokesman of the Egyptian foreign ministry as saying that Salehi in his message had lauded the recently uttered positive remarks by al-Arabi about the promotion of bilateral ties with Iran.

Al-Arabi in his first press conference earlier this year announced Cairo's preparedness to open "a new page with Iran".

The official went on to say that the Egyptian government does not see Iran as an enemy state, noting the two countries have historically rooted relations.

He further stated that the establishment of diplomatic ties depends on the Iranian side.

In reply, Salehi also said that Iran is ready to resume relations with Cairo.