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Mon, 04/25/2011 - 12:29
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Top Legislator Raps PGCC's Provocative Measures against Iran

TEHRAN, April 25 (FNA)- A senior member of the Iranian parliament strongly rejected the recent allegations raised by the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council about Tehran's interference in Bahrain's internal affairs, and stressed that the PGCC is seeking to project the blame on Iran.
"These countries have filed a lawsuit against Iran with the International circles to divert the public opinion," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mehdi Mehdizadeh told FNA on Sunday.

"These countries should respond to this question that how come Iran's comments on the genocide of Muslims are interference in the other countries' affairs, but the Saudi invasion of Bahrain is not considered as interference in that country's affairs," he asked.

Elaborating on Iran's position on the recent developments in Bahrain, Mehdizadeh warned, "The Iranian parliament and government are monitoring the conditions in the region very closely and despite the fact that they have merely restricted themselves to the condemnation of the occupiers, the Saudis should know that Iran's patience may end."

The lawmaker made the remarks in response to the latest PGCC statement in which the Persian Gulf Arab states have called on the international community and the UN Security Council to take the necessary measures to stop what they claimed "the provocative interference" by Iran in the domestic affairs of their countries.

People in Bahrain have been protesting since February 14, demanding an end to the rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.

Demonstrators maintain that they will hold their ground until their demands for freedom, constitutional reform and a proportional voice in the government are met.

In March, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait deployed their troops in Bahrain to reinforce the brutal armed clampdown against mass protests.

Scores of Bahraini protesters have been killed and many others gone missing in the harsh crackdown since the beginning of the revolution in the Middle Eastern country.