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Tue, 04/26/2011 - 15:48
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Former French Intelligence Official Dismisses Allegations against Iran's Regional Role

TEHRAN,April 26(FNA)- A former French intelligence official dismissed the allegations raised by the West and certain regional countries about Iran's role in the region, and reiterated that Saudi Arabia, and not Iran, is the root cause of violence and extremism in the region.
Alain Juppier made the remarks, addressing a number of former European, US and French officials, experts and researchers, including former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana in the French Senate.

Juppier condemned the measures taken by the Saudi regime, and said, "Saudi Arabia, and not Iran or Iraq, is the country which spreads violence, extremism and Islamic extremism and prejudice."

He also condemned the western countries' attempts to misuse the Al-Qaeda as a pretext to promote their evil policies in the Middle-East, and said certain Arab regimes have also used the Al-Qaeda as a lever to pressure their opponents and suppress the opposition groups.

Tension is growing high after the Saudi military intervention in Bahrain. Bahrain, which hosts the US Navy's fifth fleet, is viewed as a very sensitive and determining factor in the power equations of the region.

To help the Bahraini government crush the anti-government protests, Saudi Arabia has deployed more than 1,000 troops to the country.

Iran warned Riyadh that it was "playing with fire" by deploying troops in neighboring Bahrain and that such measure will increase hate for the Saudi regime among the regional nations.

Bahrain's government has continued its military crackdown on anti-government protesters who demand the overthrow of the al-Khalifa dynasty on top of constitutional reforms.

Large numbers of people have lost their lives in Bahrain so far and hundreds of others have sustained injuries following the violent crackdown on the anti-government protesters.