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Tue, 04/26/2011 - 16:05
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Senior Iranian MP Calls on Gov't to Cut Relations with Saudi Regime

TEHRAN,April 26 (FNA)- A senior Iranian legislator lashed out at the Saudi regime for massacring the defenseless people and desecrating Islamic sites and values in Bahrain, and urged the Tehran government to sever ties with Riyadh.
"Cutting relations with the Saudi regime is the least thing we can do," Head of the Assembly of Cleric Parliamentarians Mohammad Taqi Rahbar told reporters on Tuesday.

"Why is the Foreign Ministry required to have relations with the Al-Khalifa and Saudi regimes," he asked, and stressed, "We should show our abhorrence of their performance" by cutting bilateral relations with them.

Muslims in different countries of the region have expressed regret over suppression of peaceful rallies in Bahrain and called for a serious move to prevent destruction of religious sites and mosques in that country.

Bahraini security forces supported by the Saudi forces have been brutally suppressing anti-government protesters. So far, tens of people have been killed, hundreds of people have gone missing and thousands of others have been injured.

Demonstrators in Bahrain have been demanding constitutional reforms as well as an end to the 230-year-old monarchy, with hundreds camping out peacefully in the capital's Pearl Square since February 14.

Yet, tension has grown high after the Saudi military intervention in Bahrain. Bahrain, which hosts the US Navy's fifth fleet, is viewed as a very sensitive and determining factor in the power equations of the region.

To help the Bahraini government crush the anti-government protests, Saudi Arabia has deployed over 1,000 troops in the country.