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Wed, 08/23/2017 - 19:21
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Grand Russian art exhibition to be held in Vatican in 2018

SOCHI, August 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said at a meeting with Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin that an exhibition titled "The Spiritual Heritage of Russian Art: From Icon Painting to Avant-Garde" will be held in the Vatican in 2018. "A big thank you to you from all art lovers for organizing the exhibition from the Vatican Museums in the Treatyakov Art Gallery," Putin said. "As you know, we are preparing an exhibition titled ‘The Spiritual Heritage of Russian Art: From Icon Painting to Avant-Garde’ in response." He noted that Russia is ready to open this exhibition in 2018 with the Vatican’s help. For his part, Cardinal Parolin stressed that diplomacy has different aspects and levels. "There is a political aspect, but there are also various cultural initiatives," he said. "As for relations between the churches, we can see a new dynamics, which appeared in recent years and months. I hope all those involved will continue in the same vein to make our cooperation broader and closer," he said. Read more