ID :
Tue, 01/31/2012 - 07:25
Auther :

Iranian Expatriates In Denmark Demonstrate Against US Interventionist Policies

Copenhagen, Jan 31, IRNA - - A group of Iranian nationals residing in Denmark on Monday staged a demonstration in front of US Embassy in Copenhagen against Washington's intervention in other countries’ domestic affairs especially Iran. Accompanied by other Muslim people, they protested Washington's sabotage of the Iranian people's struggle to make use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The protesters, carrying Iran's national flag and placards condemning US oppressive policies, underlined all nations' legal right to make use of nuclear energy. The protesters also pointed to Iran’s extensive and transparent cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and called on western countries namely the US not to interfere in the IAEA’s affairs. They finally issued a statement at the end of their demonstration reiterating peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities and calling on the US not to obstruct scientific progress of developing countries such as Iran./end