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Sat, 05/01/2021 - 05:51
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Anaphylaxis Cases Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine Continue Decreasing

Tokyo, April 30 (Jiji Press)--The pace of anaphylaxis cases related to vaccinations against the novel coronavirus has been on the decrease in Japan, health ministry data showed Friday. As of April 22, there were 37 cases of anaphylaxis per million vaccinations, compared with 46 cases as of April 18, according to the data submitted to a meeting of experts. Almost all people who developed anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, after receiving coronavirus inoculations have recovered, according to the ministry. Some 2.5 million coronavirus vaccine shots were administered in Japan as of April 22, and 94 cases of anaphylaxis by international standards were reported by medical facilities. Nine people aged between 46 and 101 have been newly confirmed dead after getting vaccinated against the virus, but the deaths could not be confirmed to be associated with the inoculations. A total of 19 people have so far died after receiving coronavirus vaccinations, including those with the possibilities of getting inoculations despite being in poor health. With inoculations for elderly people getting into full swing in May, the ministry is requesting that municipalities and hospitals ask people in poor health or with worsening underlying conditions to act carefully, such as postponing their vaccinations. END