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Mon, 06/30/2008 - 10:58
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Security and Stability in UAE result from dignified life the country

Abu Dhabi, June 30, 2008 (WAM) - President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan asserted that the security and stability the UAE is blessed with, are not only the outcome of security measures and precautions the country has adopted, but also are the result of its keenness to provide everyone who lives on the soil of the country with the opportunity to live and earn in honour and dignity.

In a comprehensive interview with Lebanese newspaper 'Al-Nahar' published on
Saturday, Sheikh Khalifa also said that the alerts issued by certain foreign
diplomatic missions in the country, warning their people living in UAE, are
nothing more than the conventional practices those missions usually adopt to
handle rumours or information, regardless of their validity. UAE respects
the right of all countries to adopt measures they deem fit to protect their
people, Sheikh Khalifa added.

In the interview with Sameer Attalla, the President hailed the agreement
reached by all Lebanese factions in Doha, and lauded the role played by Emir
of Qatar in bringing about the pact. At the same time, Sheikh Khalifa
expressed concern over the delay in implementing the remaining articles of
the agreement.

'Any solution for the political crisis in Lebanon should be based on the
principle of equality and co-existence, and no party should attempt to reap
political gains at the cost of the others', he reminded.

Sheikh Khalifa extended an invitation to Lebanese President Michel Suleiman
to visit UAE, leaving the time of the visit to the latter's choice. He also
said that he will soon pay a visit to Lebanon and meet the new President to
congratulate him for the trust he has earned from the people and the
political institutions of Lebanon.

Answering a question about whether the UAE will encourage private sector to
invest in Lebanon, Sheikh Khalifa said that UAE will not interfere with the
choices of the private sector, as the country has full confidence in the
maturity of this sector. This is in addition to the open market policy UAE
adopts to encourage investments.

At the same time, security and stability are the prime factors which attract
investors, Sheikh Khalifa reminded.

'There is willingness from Arab and foreign countries to invest in Lebanon
and to help it to overcome the economic and financial hardships, as soon as
an environment of security and political stability returns into that
country'; Sheikh Khalifa said.

Sheikh Khalifa referred to a number of Arab issues, citing the Arab success
in Doha in regard to Lebanese issue as a "victory to the Arab solidarity".

Over Iran's resorting to the UAE's banking channels in case of tightening
global sanctions on it, Sheikh Khalifa said, "this is a presumptive
question. The UAE will comply with international legitimacy in such cases".

On the UAE investments abroad, he said they were exaggerated, indicating
that the investments operate as per economic and not political basis. The
UAE clearly stated to its partners abroad that these long term investments
are obligations of the UAE towards coming generation".

Sheikh Khalifa reiterated that there was no need to set up new funding
bodies to support the Arab countries, adding that there are a number of
national and regional funds in this respect. He added that the private
sector executes multi-billion dollar projects in many Arab countries.
"Whenever there is proper political, legislative and administrative
atmosphere, the private sector initiatives would increase".

He denied existence of a policy to alienate Arab labour and preference of
foreign labour, indicating that the "market at a certain developmental point
preferred the foreign labour due to less cost with alternatives. The UAE is
currently reviewing the equation through regulation of living conditions in
line with the international specifications when it comes to dealing with the
foreign workforce. The foreign labour will not be the same cheap labour
accustomed to at the market.

Sheikh Khalifa underlined that the UAE viewed the military cooperation
agreements as it does with other cooperation agreements in other fields. It
does not give the military cooperation agreements any political
interpretations, adding that the UAE's military cooperation agreements with
a number of countries avails it an opportunity to diversify sources of
military equipment.

He noted that the nuclear cooperation agreement with France is in line with
a series of agreements signed with other countries, which owned nuclear
technology. The UAE may sign in future other agreements in this respect.

On restoration of the UAE diplomatic representation with Iraq, Sheikh
Khalifa said that the UAE-Iraq relations continued unabated despite absence
of diplomats due to security conditions, but reiterated that the UAE was
keen to see Iraq regained its role and boost its contacts with the Arab
