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Tue, 04/26/2011 - 16:04
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Egyptians Demand End to Peace Treaty with Israel

TEHRAN,April 26 (FNA)- Results of a new opinion poll in Egypt revealed that many people in the Arab state want an immediate end to the friendly ties between their country and Israel and believe that Egypt's future government and parliament should annul the 32-year peace treaty with the Zionist regime.
The opinion poll conducted by US-based Pew Research Center showed that some 54 percent of those surveyed wanted an end to their country's 32-year peace treaty with Tel Aviv that made Egypt the first Arab country to recognize Israel.

The poll also found that 79 percent of Egyptians have an unfavorable view of the United States and 64 percent say they have little or no confidence in US President Barrack Obama, AP reported.

The poll surveyed 1,000 Egyptians countrywide between March 24 and April 7 and its results came out on Monday.

The survey also showed that a majority of the people believe laws in their country should be based on the teachings of Islam's holy book, the Quran.

The poll reflects deep Islamic roots within the Egyptian community and a shift towards religious conservatism.

The poll's results also indicated that most Egyptians prefer having religious parties included in any future government.

The recent findings come ahead of the September balloting - the first parliamentary elections since Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's ouster in February.