ID :
Tue, 05/03/2011 - 15:41
Auther :

Minister: Enemies Disappointed by Inefficiency of Iran Sanctions

TEHRAN, May 3 (FNA)- Enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran are now fully disappointed after their economic restrictions and sanctions on Tehran proved futile, Iranian Minister of Industries and Mines Ali Akbar Mehrabian announced on Tuesday.
Enemies have repeatedly talked about crippling sanctions. They approved a resolution last year in a bid to cripple the Islamic Republic's economic progress, but they are now completely disappointed," Mehrabian said on Tuesday.

"The enemies sought to stop the wheels of production and the rapid movement of the Iranian nation through imposing sanctions resolutions on Iran, but they are so disappointed today that they do not even pursue the case," Mehrabian noted.

Last week, Head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization General Gholam Reza Jalali warned that the US has concentrated its efforts on strong economic pressures against the Islamic Republic as its major strategy in confrontation against Tehran.

"Economic warfare is the main US threat against Iran," Jalali stated.

Jalali made a reference to US-engineered sanctions against Iran, saying 80 percent of such measures are of "economic nature" and are aimed at laying an "economic siege" on the Islamic Republic.

Iran is under four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions for turning down West's calls to give up its right of uranium enrichment, saying the demand is politically tainted and illogical.

Despite the hostile policies and moves of the United States and its European allies, Iran has shown a promising trend of growth in science and economy.

In a recent case last year the US and the European Union approved a set of extra unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, mostly targeting the country's energy and banking sectors, including a US boycott of gasoline supplies to Iran.

But the US fuel embargo on Iran proved futile after Iran boosted domestic production, attained self-sufficiency and even exported gasoline.

Iran says that western sanctions and pressures have only consolidated the Iranians' national resolve and encouraged them to reach self-sufficiency in many economic areas, including gasoline production.