ID :
Sun, 04/19/2009 - 09:59
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Kasab trial: 109 witnesses to be examined

Mumbai, Apr 18 (PTI) The prosecution in the Mumbai
terror attack case Saturday informed the special court that it
would examine more than 100 witnesses including those from
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and foreign experts to
establish the complicity of Mohamamed Amir Ajmal Kasab and
other accused.

Special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said about
1,820 witnesses have been cited in the case but only 109
potential witnesses will be examined.

Nikam gave a graphic account of the evidence gathered
by the police against Kasab and co-accused Fahim Ansari and
Sabauddin Ahmed.

Nikam said that five Global Positioning System (GPS)
instruments have been recovered.

"Two GPSs from Taj Mahal hotel, one from Oberoi Hotel
and one GPS from Nariman house were recovered after the terror
attack. The instruments have been sent for analysis to USA,"
he said.

The prosecutor said that he would rely upon the
experts' opinion on the data pertaining to land and sea routes
used by the accused to reach the shores of Mumbai to commit
the terror attacks. PTI