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Sun, 04/19/2009 - 10:14
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Terror trial witnesses lighter moments

Mumbai, Apr 18 (PTI) The 26/11 terror attack trial,
which entered the second day Saturday, witnessed some lighter
moments in the special court at Arthur Road prison here in
India's financial capital.

Defence lawyer Abbas Kazmi said the entire confession
of accused Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab had been leaked to the
media and special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam had appeared
in many television interviews. This prompted Judge M L
Tahilyani to remark that Nikam had a "photogenic face".

The judge asked reporters, "How many of you know
Marathi?" Everyone raised hands and the court was impressed.
The prosecutor then said he could give submissions in Marathi,
as it was the official language of the court. "No", said media
persons who were sitting in the rear section. Finally, the
judge asked Nikam to continue in English.

When accused Faheem Ansari requested for permission to
speak to his wife, judge told him, "If you have her permission
to speak with her, you definitely can do so. I will not stop."

Judge asked Faheem to sign 'vakalatnama' (affidavit)
and give it to his wife to hire a lawyer to defend him.
However, Faheem did not have a pen and was looking for one,
when the judge told his former lawyer Ejaz Naqvi, "Please give
a pen, he may not be your client now, but he is still your

"Good Morning Sir," said prime accused Mohammed Amir
Ajmal Kasab when he entered the court and attentively heard
the prosecutor opening the case. PTI