Mining Companies Actively Taking Part in “One Billion Trees” National Campaign

Ulaanbaatar, 2024 April 5. /MONTSAME/. Mining companies are actively taking part in the “One Billion Trees” National Campaign initiated by President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa.
“Energy Resource” company began transplanting seedlings of 5 kinds of trees including, elaeagnus, elm, tamarisk, and swamp cottonwood trees. The company grows seedlings at its tree nursery and every year transplants the seedlings in Tsogttsetsii soum center, mining areas and forest zones in Umnugovi aimag.

Oyutolgoi Company is working on rehabilitation of 187 hectares of damaged land, because of irresponsible mining in Shariin gol and Khongor soums in Darkhan Uul aimag. The company established a cooperation agreement on this matter with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in November 2023.
Previously, Oyutoltgoi company rehabilitated 400-hectare land damaged by micro-mining in the Yalbag valley in Eroo soum, Selenge aimag.
Since the beginning of the “One Billion Trees” National Campaign, mining companies have planted a total of 4.5 million trees. Within the framework of the “One Billion Trees” campaign, mining companies are preparing for the National Tree Planting Day which occurs at the beginning of May each year.
The “One Billion Trees” national campaign’s main aim is to plant one billion trees by 2030, expanding the forest area to 9.0 percent of Mongolia's territory to decrease desertification and land degradation and increase greenhouse gas absorption and the water reserves leading to climate change mitigation.