Persian identity Gulf

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Tehran, April 29, IRNA – No matter what your nationality is, or whom you ask the direction, one should refer to the identity of the "Persian Gulf" south of Iran by its righteous name in order not t

Persian Gulf, birthplace of civilization

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Bandar Abbas, April 29, IRNA – A cultural official of Hormuzgan Province said on Wednesday that the Persian Gulf is the birthplace of civilization with so vast domain over the Asian, African, and E

Iran known as rich country in aquatic genetics: Expert

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Tehran, April 6, IRNA – Iran could be regarded as one of the most significant and richest countries in the world in terms of aquatic genetics, Head of the Iranian Institute for Research on Fisherie

Japan seeking de-escalation in Persian Gulf

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Beijing, Aug 28, IRNA – The Japanese newspaper 'Yomiuri Shimbun' said on Wednesday that Tokyo is seeking de-escalation in the Persian Gulf, reporting a visit to Tokyo of Iranian Foreign Minister Mo